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Showing posts from March, 2010

Chiron "The Wounded Healer"

    In studying the archetype of a planet, an astrologer gains deeper understanding of the teachings of the cosmos. In astrology each planet represents an archetype or universal symbol.  In 1977 astronomers discovered Chiron, a comet-like body orbiting between Saturn and Uranus. This "planetoid", from an astrological perspective, is the archetype of "healing" and the wounded healer".  The discovery of Chiron marked the beginning of a new paradigm in the healing arts and our relationship with health and disease.   Since then, alternative methods of healing have become both more accepted and used, in some cases as an alternative for orthodox medicine. We are making great strides in our evolutionary journey of healing, resulting in the awareness of the body/mind/spirit connection.  We are learning not only how our emotional and psychological histories are stored in our cellular memory and affect our physical well being, but  also how our thou...