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Showing posts from 2016

The 2016 Presidential Election

"The true spiritual life calls me, into the darkness of myself, into my fears, resentments, greed, jealousy, and dishonesty. I am called to own the darkness, so that I emerge into the light." November 8, 2016 @ approx. 8pm PST: I feel like something has died. I have so much grief. I am so disgusted with the potential outcome of our Presidential election that I can barely stand to speak about it. Is this really going to happen? November 9, 2016 I wanted to lash out last night. My daughter called me wanting to share her grief and I could not be there for her because I was struggling with my own. I had to hang up.  I was feeling hate toward everyone that voted the direction I did not.  I stayed in that place of anger and pain for quite a while, I just could not shake it, and then eventually I did. Today  Today my emotions are calmer and I am coming to grips with our new change in power. While my initial reactions lingered with grief ...


Fight For Your Passion Passion is an intense desire that lives in every one of us. It drives the heart and mind to greatness and fills our life with love and joy. It’s what leads us to success and fulfillment, and confirms purpose in our lives. To be passionate is to be connected with life. Passion ushers possibility and creativity and inspires us to change and grow. It challenges wrongs and values truth.  In early childhood our passions began with the desire to fulfill a dream or taking something up and running with it; burning with excitement for how it made us feel. Passion is the soul connection to life, that we are living, with purpose. But what happens when one day you hear the crippling voice of depression speak?  Have you ever heard it? I have. For me it sounds something like this: “Who do you think you are? Nobody really cares about what you are doing.” “Do you really think you can make a difference in people’s lives!” “It’s not going to w...

Brighter Days to Come

Saturn’s trek out of Scorpio (June 2013- Sept 2015) brings you out of the dark, emotional crevasses of your psyche and into the light of truth in Sagittarius. Saturn, the planet of authority and responsibility, will transit through the mutable fire sign Sagittarius from January 2015 until December 2017. A two and a half year period of inspection, focus, serious work, and sacrifice to rebuild your Judge, Teacher, Sage, and Visionary archetypes within the Self. This is a time of expansion out into the larger world, a search for understanding to bring clarity and meaning to your personal and collective aspirations of the future. Saturn represents time, commitment, and the mature assessment of reality. Self-discipline is required to re-assemble what has crumbled or become unstable in order to construct a new, more solid foundation. During Saturn’s travel through Sagittarius the focus is on beliefs, faith, and hopes, in addition to moral, ethical, and political dilemmas. At this time y...

Don't Let Your Passion Die Inside You

HOPE It's not logical or even reasonable It is our heart telling our head that we cannot surrender For to give in to the trials of life is to let them win over us. For a whisper hope grows slowly First in a moderate tone and finally to a roar It supersedes fear, sorrow, and even despair It gives us the courage to try again. 'Pick yourself up," it demands "Can't you see that tomorrow has better things in store." And begin to believe in ourselves, and we arise To meet tomorrow a little stronger and more prepared. "Try again! Try until you succeed," it shouts. And we forget our failures, our losses and all the blow we were dealt Hope offers us another chance TO BE WHAT WE DREAM It insists that life is worthwhile and we are on the Winning team. Hope abides in each of us Giving us the energy to survive "Life is very good" it assures us "Carry on with your work, and you will be blessed." Covenant of the Hea...

Fulfillment Through Essential Living

Living your fullest life possible isn't always easy when the world around you is struggling to find it's way. Yet, if you continue ​to ​stay YOUR course, you will create fulfillment. Essential Living Unconditional love:  Acceptance of yourself and others  Laughter and play:  Awaken your internal magic   Passion: Follow your heart Purpose: Be of service Well-being: Honor your body