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Showing posts from February, 2017

This Is The Dawning Of...

THE AGE OF AQUARIUS COMING MARCH 2023 Why is this note worthy? Read further to understand why! The planet and archetype of transformation, death and rebirth, (Pluto) will finally cycle into the sign of Aquarius, the sign of humanitarianism, revolutionaries and innovation, in 2023.  This is note worthy!  The coming of these two archetypes have a mission together, to transform and evolve us. Not only does this archetypal era mark a greater revolutionary growth in technology but also a humanitarian potential of universal inclusivity. Are you feeling me? Pluto destroys in order to build again. Now, Pluto is in Capricorn, it has been since 2008. Capricorn rules structure, tradition, banks, corporations, government, architecture, the police, all that can be defined as "the authority." We have already seen some old order crumble: America elected its first African American President, f...

Now Is The Time

A Spiritual Warrior   The battle of the Spiritual Warrior within is a battle of mastery of the self. It is an inner battle for truth and wisdom in the name of Love. Requiring courage and resiliency a Spiritual Warrior is someone who embraces the journey as a personal choice and accepts the enemy within. They are independent, self-directed and devoted to facing the challenges that confront them. Their guiding principal of integrity is the code of honor from which life is lived by with uncompromising action. A Spiritual Warrior understands the destruction of war and therefore does not seek it. Their virtue of compassion is used to equalize potential conflict from arising. The sword that is carried is Love and the armor is Vulnerability. Willing to throw down their sword in complete surrender the Warrior becomes stronger, for victory is of the spirit not the body. As we journey through the trials and tribulations of our lives we hopefully awaken to a d...

Hope And My Inner America

Hope: “Grounds for believing something good may happen, the general feeling that some desire will be fulfilled” The above is to remind myself of what it feels like; just in case. I have managed most of my life to live, having hope; hope is that invisible presence of possibility that you don’t realize it’s power until its gone. Like I said, most of my life its been there, but not always. My most profound memory of lost hope was the day my Mother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Fear and despair ensued, hope was lost, later to return.  My Inner America Just one of the MANY conclusions I have come to: If I focus on the man himself, the potential to lose hope is highly probable and will be accompanied with pain and anger. I have changed my focus to make it about something greater than what fear wants to try and control. I am making it about staying engaged with what is occurring, speaking out when "right relationship" toward another is ignored, making ...