THE AGE OF AQUARIUS COMING MARCH 2023 Why is this note worthy? Read further to understand why! The planet and archetype of transformation, death and rebirth, (Pluto) will finally cycle into the sign of Aquarius, the sign of humanitarianism, revolutionaries and innovation, in 2023. This is note worthy! The coming of these two archetypes have a mission together, to transform and evolve us. Not only does this archetypal era mark a greater revolutionary growth in technology but also a humanitarian potential of universal inclusivity. Are you feeling me? Pluto destroys in order to build again. Now, Pluto is in Capricorn, it has been since 2008. Capricorn rules structure, tradition, banks, corporations, government, architecture, the police, all that can be defined as "the authority." We have already seen some old order crumble: America elected its first African American President, f...
Intuitive Astrologer, Mindset Coach