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Showing posts from April, 2017


“I Seek My Self Through What I Have” Symbolized by the Bull, Taurus is the second sign of the Zodiac. “The Penetrating Light of the Path,” Taurus seeks to establish a deeper meaning and value in life through lessons of non-attachment. Connected to the principle of Illumination and the Archetype of the Artist, the task of Taurus is to cast light upon the physical world with beauty and harmony through form. In doing so, the energetic vibration of the physical plane heightens, freeing the ego from the nature of desire to attachment.  The immature Taurus lives in an instinctive attachment to the material world. Motivated by practical outcomes and "stuff" Taurus gives greater significance to the literal mind rather than intuitive inspiration. The paradox being, trapped by the very same physical plane it seeks to transform. Willfully seeking the desires of earthly pleasures its pursuits to have more of everything directs the choices of taurus and thus determining  ...

Do You Doubt Your Potential?

Unleash Your Creative Potential! What would your life be like if your were to live to your fullest potential? And, what would you be willing to do to find out what was holding you back from reaching it? One of my favorite planets in astrology to work with is Saturn. Saturn is the archetypal influence in your astrological chart that reveals how and where you doubt and "swallow" your creative impulses that limit your true potential.  In Greek mythology, Cronus (Saturn) was the son of Uranus and Gaea. He lead his brothers and sisters, the Titans, in a revolt against their father to became king of the gods. He then married the Titan Rhea and had a total of six children. But Cronus had a bad habit of devouring his newborn children (his creative potential) to prevent them from one day overthrowing him as king of the gods as he did to his father. Until finally, at the birth of their last child Zeus, Rhea tricked Cronus into swallowing a rock instead. Zeus then overthrew ...
Symbolized by the head of the Ram, with a body not yet known, Aires is the first sign of the Zodiac. “The Light of life itself” the Ram’s head arises symbolizing creative possibilities. Initiating the “Will to be”, Aires is the fire that ignites the creative impulses within.  Direct and decisive, Aires restlessness drives forward to create a plan of action. Always taking the initiative and a natural born leader Aires is the birthplace of ideas and the energy from which Spirit inspires creation. Courageous and bold this Spiritual Warrior understands right use of power and purposeful will, using its highly intuitive and perceptive qualities of the mind as its “weapon” of creation and love. The energy of Aires is within all of us, challenging us to come forward in life. To seek out what must be found and to create what must be brought to form. The adventurous spirit of this inspirational Warrior is the inner trailblazer containing endless creative fire. It is her...