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Showing posts from October, 2017

The New Moon In Libra

What Is Being Awakened In You? The interaction to self is the most profound and intimate relationship that we all have. If you had you on the other end of yourself, explaining how you make, you feel, what would you say? What kind of partner are you to yourself? The new moon is a time of reflection and for setting new patterns in your life.  Libra's themes of balance and relationships are the focus. Take a moment to evaluate these areas. Determine where your life is needing different choices that will support your promising future. Break free.  Namaste.

The Magic Of The Full Moon

October 5, 2017 The magic of the full moon gives you an opportunity to be in the flow of the cosmos. This powerful energy brings illumination and allows new perspectives to emerge.  This month the theme is emotional revelations and declarations.  Something has been building inside of you , and the Aries moon demands that you let it out.  Over the next two weeks, you will discover more clearly what this means for you. For now,  you can’t sit on your feelings. It is time to express yourself and get it our of your system. Keeping it inside will only bring grief and decay. You may feel a struggle, but remind yourself that full exposure is necessary. Independence (Aries) vs dependance (Libra); is the conflict with the full moon Aries and Sun Libra. Ideally, a balance between these two energies wants to emerge, and this is what this Full Moon invites you do. Namaste