When we modify or adapt to serve a new or different purpose, we transform. When we go beyond, rise above, overshadow or eclipse, we transcend what we were and become something new. When we take transformation of our physical or lower perceptions to their highest expressions, the spiritual or higher state of being determines how this energy is directed. The conversion of these energies causes an alchemical reaction that creates a new way of perceiving and experiencing our reality. The "leaden" lower self (body) connects to and serves the higher "golden" self (soul) - this is the meaning of alchemy.
"But seek no haven in my shadow, I will give you no hiding place here. You, created only a little lower than the angels, have crouched too long in the bruising darkness have lain too long facedown in ignorance. your mouths spilling words. Armed for slaughter. The Rock cries out to us today, you may stand upon me: but do not hide your face." Maya Angelou Chakra 2 - Sacral Location: Lower abdomen, between naval and genitals. Influence: Sex organs, large intestine, lower vertebrae, pelvis, appendix, bladder, hips . Associative Color : Orange Central focus: Creativity, movement, money, emotional identity and expression, vulnerability, intimacy, interpersonal relationships, power struggles, betrayal, our shadow, vengeance, greed, addictions, sexuality, sexual boundaries. The sacral chakra is the literal birthplace – where new life is generated. It is linked with our creative impulse, the birth of ideas, attitudes and our abi...
Very good! I like the direction of your thoughts. In my opinion, all transformations must involve the alpha element Clarity (plug, sorry). Perceptions must transform to perspective else the transformation becomes transitory, or stated another way "temporary". My guess is that there will be a lot of transitory transformations before we learn to sustain a higher level of existence while on Earth. Language is the formidable barrier.