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Libra...The Archetype

An archetype is a universal pattern or symbol, which we all recognize or experience in some form. It is understood by the image that comes to mind  and serves as a symbol to us.  

Whether or not we are born under the sign of Libra we all have a responsibility to integrate this archetypal energy into out lives.  So let’s take a deeper look into the symbolism of this archetype as it pertains to all of us.

“I Balance, Therefore I am”

Libra attempts to balance the polarities of life in every situation. Represented by the scales of justice and motivated by its desire for relationship, Libra is representation of the Law of Right Human Relations. It strives to create harmony between all persons.

Artistic in nature Libra bathes in the beauty of life. This charismatic energy seeks out another to partner with and understands the value of intimacy between equals. Recognizing the beauty of fair play, it is the artist as well as the diplomat that expresses its beauty through collaborative forces.

The initial undeveloped stage of Libra is sought through a need for dominance and materialism. Egocentric in its personal relations and values, Libra carries an eye for an eye mentality with glamour as its demon. This imbalance leaves the unconscious Libra to see life from the perspective of right or wrong and seeking justice through dominance at all cost. This is the tension of opposing forces that eventually drives Libra towards its need of harmony and balance.

As Libra develops, an urge for equilibrium transpires. What was once an eye for an eye becomes eye to eye. Seeing beyond the self to actually see others. Being the sign of partnership Libra recognizes that duality is part of the balance of life. And that life is no longer weighed by opposing scales of justice, but by the balance between them. This awareness brings objectivity to the once subjective mentality of Libra.

Continuing to walk the path of consciousness Libra is able to merge the opposing forces through the common threads that unite them.  A lover of beauty, harmony and fair play, its goal is to balance from the inside out and to project that balance as beauty out into the world.

The Libran grail is to dance with paradox while simultaneously relating through love. This is the force that can bring Humanity into its Oneness. Unifying this energy heals the wounds of our planet’s psyche as well as our own.

Equality is not synonymous with sameness; yet equality is the destination for all.



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