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Showing posts from 2015

The Reality of Your Truth will be the Paradigm of Your Beliefs.

Saturn’s trek out of Scorpio (June 2013- Sept 2015) brings you out of the dark, emotional crevasses of your psyche and into the light of truth in Sagittarius. Saturn, the planet of authority and responsibility, will continue to transit through the mutable fire sign Sagittarius until December 2017. A two and a half year period of inspection, focus, serious work, and sacrifice to rebuild your Judge, Teacher/Sage, and Visionary archetypes within the Self. This is a time of expansion out into the larger world, a search for understanding to bring clarity and meaning to your personal and collective aspirations of the future. Saturn represents time, commitment, and the mature assessment of reality. Self-discipline is required to re-assemble what has crumbled or become unstable. During Saturn’s travel through Sagittarius the focus is on beliefs, faith, and hopes, in addition to moral, ethical, and political dilemmas. At this time you will question spiritual, philosophical, and intel...

Connect With Your Internal Energy System

The Chakras are points of connections from which energy flows in and through your body. Each point of connection is associated with parts of your physical body and have a theme. These themes are connected to the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual aspects of your life. In this meditation (16 minute running time) you will be visually guided through each Chakra and will be given a description for each point of connection and their theme. I invite you to use this meditation to introduce yourself to this system, and for those who are already acquainted, here is a great reconnection, enjoy! Click Here to Listen Meditation script written by: Teresa Campos ,  Voiced by: Susan Wright Transformational Coaching and Astrology Services offered: One on one Coaching Astrological Readings Classes: Next class Jan. 23rd and 24th 2016,  (topic to be announced).

Practicing Mindfulness Through Conscious Living

Conscious living is the awareness of one's own existence, thoughts, feelings, sensations and surroundings. It is being fully in the present moment, grounding you in your physical body while simultaneously having full activity of your mind and your internal knowing (intuition). It is a linear and nonlinear state of being. It is the place where spirit and matter (the physical world) reside within you.  Why is this important to cultivate and integrate this practice into your life? It is important because consciousness gives rise to the understanding of yourself and your life. It teaches you to be aware of what emotions arise to understand what your feeling, what thoughts are floating in your mind and how your physical body feels. It is not only about personal awareness but also about the awareness of others. Consciousness expands your perspective to see beyond your own story and into the stories of others. It allows you to see them objectively rather than just reacting sub...

Saturn revisits Scorpio: Mid June through mid September 2015

As we swing back into Saturn in Scorpio we are given the opportunity to revisit the Victim Archetype and break out of it's suffering. The intensity of this retrograde (re-evaluation) brings our Shadow to the surface to face what we have tried to bury in the past. Saturn calls this "being responsible". The time is ripe to address emotional entanglements of co-dependency, helplessness, control, and power plays that have attempted to create barriers to a true state of inner strength and vulnerability. This victimization of self, and others, must be willingly revealed and dismantled to allow a more mature and authentic emotional life to unfold. Depression, grief, fear, and doubt are the feelings that may accompany a descent back into the rabbit hole that the Victim must face. A conscious re-structuring of emotional and energetic debts, boundaries, and all forms of addictions are necessary to allow the light to shine upon the Shadow, allowing us to more fully own other asp...

Filling A Spiritual Void

The complexities of life and its relationships has left many people with a sense of disconnection and emptiness. This void has resulted with more of us rediscovering the essence of what it means to be spiritual and live a spiritual life. While some people find that their spirituality is linked to their association with religion there are many people who are now willing to look at and consider the notion of a new interpretation of spirituality. Spirituality is the path of the heart. It is that intrinsic connection to the moment, to self, to others, your environment, to nature and life itself. It includes that deep sense of aliveness and inspiration, which also translates into love, joy, wisdom, peacefulness and service. The spiritual path teaches us is to look within and find what you seek within yourself. This broader perspective of spirituality inspires us to ask: Where do I find meaning? Do things happen for a reason? What is my purpose? How can I feel more connected and fulf...