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Showing posts from October, 2013

Libra...The Archetype

An archetype is a universal pattern or symbol, which we all recognize or experience in some form. It is understood by the image that comes to mind  and serves as a symbol to us.   Whether or not we are born under the sign of Libra we all have a responsibility to integrate this archetypal energy into out lives.  So let’s take a deeper look into the symbolism of this archetype as it pertains to all of us. “I Balance, Therefore I am” Libra attempts to balance the polarities of life in every situation. Represented by the scales of justice and motivated by its desire for relationship, Libra is representation of the Law of Right Human Relations. It strives to create harmony between all persons. Artistic in nature Libra bathes in the beauty of life. This charismatic energy seeks out another to partner with and understands the value of intimacy between equals. Recognizing the beauty of fair play, it is the artist as well as the diplomat that expresses its