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Showing posts from September, 2015

Practicing Mindfulness Through Conscious Living

Conscious living is the awareness of one's own existence, thoughts, feelings, sensations and surroundings. It is being fully in the present moment, grounding you in your physical body while simultaneously having full activity of your mind and your internal knowing (intuition). It is a linear and nonlinear state of being. It is the place where spirit and matter (the physical world) reside within you.  Why is this important to cultivate and integrate this practice into your life? It is important because consciousness gives rise to the understanding of yourself and your life. It teaches you to be aware of what emotions arise to understand what your feeling, what thoughts are floating in your mind and how your physical body feels. It is not only about personal awareness but also about the awareness of others. Consciousness expands your perspective to see beyond your own story and into the stories of others. It allows you to see them objectively rather than just reacting sub