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The Full Moon In Gemini

Time To Turn Inward The uncertainty of this full moon energy may have you a bit on edge. Outside information responsible for the loud voices in your head; overwhelm is the theme. But not to worry, the trickster can't confuse what you know to be true to your heart. So tune in, be present, stay your course and manifest the outcomes you have been envisioning. The world of information can makes us feel like we can't keep up or that we can't keep it all straight. When the mind is in control and not your body, there will be confusion and overwhelm. Take moments to go inward, check in and sit with what is. Allow what is present to settle without taking action to try and figure it all out or control it; let your intuition be the navigator of information. Trust what is inside. Namaste.
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New Moon In Scorpio

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The Full Moon In Taurus

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The Magic Of The Full Moon

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The Magic Of The Full Moon

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