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Showing posts from 2017

The Full Moon In Gemini

Time To Turn Inward The uncertainty of this full moon energy may have you a bit on edge. Outside information responsible for the loud voices in your head; overwhelm is the theme. But not to worry, the trickster can't confuse what you know to be true to your heart. So tune in, be present, stay your course and manifest the outcomes you have been envisioning. The world of information can makes us feel like we can't keep up or that we can't keep it all straight. When the mind is in control and not your body, there will be confusion and overwhelm. Take moments to go inward, check in and sit with what is. Allow what is present to settle without taking action to try and figure it all out or control it; let your intuition be the navigator of information. Trust what is inside. Namaste.

New Moon In Scorpio

  Sit in the raw power of this Scorpio new moon. Transform yourself by unearthing those buried fears that are lurking just below your surface. Then, take flight like the eagle, soar over the land, look below to the broaden perspective, observe what is really going on inside you. Trust your instincts and move beyond the primal fears that keep you in the skin that you are in. You can only hide from perceived power and control for so long, until you are discovered, and your brilliance is seen, by you. Be vulnerable to your passions and desires. Your secret superpower is what the world is waiting for. Healing is in the awareness. The intensity of Scorpio demands your attention, and will get it one way or another. Surrender where you have been controlling and allow the intense energy of this new moon to take you deep into your underworld and into the depth of your internal knowing and soul contract. Who are you here to BE? Namaste

The Full Moon In Taurus

Are You Ready To Receive?  If you are ready to receive then it is time for you to dive into where you are holding yourself back. The resources are abundant and yours for the taking but only if you see your self-worth. Stretch your imagination with what you would like to receive, allow your body to envelop your desires as you swim in the knowing of your heart. What you feel and desire is ready to be aligned; setting you up to build the necessary resources. This can be love, romance, health, prosperity, joy, so answer with action. Take steps forward, be methodical, activate the energy this full moon is giving you. It won't change your life overnight but it will move you in the right direction. When taking action Taurus can be grounded and methodical or stubborn and overbearing. You decide.  Namaste

The New Moon In Libra

What Is Being Awakened In You? The interaction to self is the most profound and intimate relationship that we all have. If you had you on the other end of yourself, explaining how you make, you feel, what would you say? What kind of partner are you to yourself? The new moon is a time of reflection and for setting new patterns in your life.  Libra's themes of balance and relationships are the focus. Take a moment to evaluate these areas. Determine where your life is needing different choices that will support your promising future. Break free.  Namaste.

The Magic Of The Full Moon

October 5, 2017 The magic of the full moon gives you an opportunity to be in the flow of the cosmos. This powerful energy brings illumination and allows new perspectives to emerge.  This month the theme is emotional revelations and declarations.  Something has been building inside of you , and the Aries moon demands that you let it out.  Over the next two weeks, you will discover more clearly what this means for you. For now,  you can’t sit on your feelings. It is time to express yourself and get it our of your system. Keeping it inside will only bring grief and decay. You may feel a struggle, but remind yourself that full exposure is necessary. Independence (Aries) vs dependance (Libra); is the conflict with the full moon Aries and Sun Libra. Ideally, a balance between these two energies wants to emerge, and this is what this Full Moon invites you do. Namaste

The Magic Of The Full Moon

The full moon in pisces enters us into a watery existence of deep longing for dream and aspiration to fulfill itself. Imagination and creativity are calling for you to connect.  What makes your heart sing? Tonight, be an open vessel for this powerful energy to enter. Hold the spiritual force of the full moon in your awareness that you are a beacon of light and love: contact is being made. A meditative state of contemplative silence and acute sensitivity, can answer your internal questions.  The next couple days following the full moon are called the days of assimilation, distribution and radiation. Focus on assimilating the spiritual force of the full moon into your mental, emotional and physical bodies. Receive new inspirations and insights into how these contacts can serve both your journey and humanities.  Namaste

The Great American Solar Eclipse

The Path Of Totality Sun in Leo, New Moon In Leo Eclipse: “loss of significant power or prominence, depriving self and other of your light, brilliance." Greek origin: “fail to appear.”   You ARE a star!  The earth, sun and moon alignment, summons a  shadow journey or dark night of the soul,   revealing ,   for   you ,  and for   America .  As darkness occurs what has been hidden emerges, to be seen in the light. Known and unknown, provoking bold choices and transformative struggle.  Flow of energy is disrupted with an eclipse. Endings and beginnings are activated, death to previous ways of being, followed by a resurrection into the hope of wiser more soulful ways of living. It is the hero/heroines journey for redemption from its shadowy tomb. A new cycle of light and hope can potentially commence. Individually and collectively this archetypal pattern of energy will dem...


“I Think, Therefore I Am” Motivated by mental curiosity and movement, Gemini  experiences life through relatedness. Relationships is the bases from which it works as an agent of harmony. It is primary concern is connectedness, teaching us that mutual harmony can exist through “a middle way.” In the early development of Gemini the instinctual mind is in charge and a subjective view of life is experienced. This subjectivity creates a polarized thinking mind, seeing life from a filter of duality. Its only interest is how everything relates to oneself. At this level Gemini moves with no direct purpose or plan and a sense of scattered and ungrounded energy is how it navigates the world. But as Gemini begins to build its “self”, its orientation shifts beyond the subjective mind to a more objective view of life. A greater awareness of others begins to form and an understanding that relationships are a shared interchange to connection.  Gemini’s desire to seek knowledge ...

My First 100 Days

  As I reflect back on MY first 100 days I feel like I’ve been binge watching a reality TV show. Truth and lies somewhat difficult to differentiate, lots of drama, the antagonist that most people don’t like, an unfolding of a circus of dysfunction that I just can’t stop watching. When will this show be cancelled I ask? Through this time frame of 100 days there has been a few things that have become very clear to me. Some of which I mentioned in my article I posted shortly after the election results, Hope And My Inner America. I spoke of America’s shadow (the unconscious), and how important examining that refection is for world transformation; an outer refection can not change without first an internal one. I knew when this earthquake (the results of the election) hit my psyche that it was more than just an outcome that had me spinning. It was a turning point, that was destined to happen in order for humanity to wake up and evolve further. Quite the paradox, throw unconscio...


“I Seek My Self Through What I Have” Symbolized by the Bull, Taurus is the second sign of the Zodiac. “The Penetrating Light of the Path,” Taurus seeks to establish a deeper meaning and value in life through lessons of non-attachment. Connected to the principle of Illumination and the Archetype of the Artist, the task of Taurus is to cast light upon the physical world with beauty and harmony through form. In doing so, the energetic vibration of the physical plane heightens, freeing the ego from the nature of desire to attachment.  The immature Taurus lives in an instinctive attachment to the material world. Motivated by practical outcomes and "stuff" Taurus gives greater significance to the literal mind rather than intuitive inspiration. The paradox being, trapped by the very same physical plane it seeks to transform. Willfully seeking the desires of earthly pleasures its pursuits to have more of everything directs the choices of taurus and thus determining  ...

Do You Doubt Your Potential?

Unleash Your Creative Potential! What would your life be like if your were to live to your fullest potential? And, what would you be willing to do to find out what was holding you back from reaching it? One of my favorite planets in astrology to work with is Saturn. Saturn is the archetypal influence in your astrological chart that reveals how and where you doubt and "swallow" your creative impulses that limit your true potential.  In Greek mythology, Cronus (Saturn) was the son of Uranus and Gaea. He lead his brothers and sisters, the Titans, in a revolt against their father to became king of the gods. He then married the Titan Rhea and had a total of six children. But Cronus had a bad habit of devouring his newborn children (his creative potential) to prevent them from one day overthrowing him as king of the gods as he did to his father. Until finally, at the birth of their last child Zeus, Rhea tricked Cronus into swallowing a rock instead. Zeus then overthrew ...
Symbolized by the head of the Ram, with a body not yet known, Aires is the first sign of the Zodiac. “The Light of life itself” the Ram’s head arises symbolizing creative possibilities. Initiating the “Will to be”, Aires is the fire that ignites the creative impulses within.  Direct and decisive, Aires restlessness drives forward to create a plan of action. Always taking the initiative and a natural born leader Aires is the birthplace of ideas and the energy from which Spirit inspires creation. Courageous and bold this Spiritual Warrior understands right use of power and purposeful will, using its highly intuitive and perceptive qualities of the mind as its “weapon” of creation and love. The energy of Aires is within all of us, challenging us to come forward in life. To seek out what must be found and to create what must be brought to form. The adventurous spirit of this inspirational Warrior is the inner trailblazer containing endless creative fire. It is her...

This Is The Dawning Of...

THE AGE OF AQUARIUS COMING MARCH 2023 Why is this note worthy? Read further to understand why! The planet and archetype of transformation, death and rebirth, (Pluto) will finally cycle into the sign of Aquarius, the sign of humanitarianism, revolutionaries and innovation, in 2023.  This is note worthy!  The coming of these two archetypes have a mission together, to transform and evolve us. Not only does this archetypal era mark a greater revolutionary growth in technology but also a humanitarian potential of universal inclusivity. Are you feeling me? Pluto destroys in order to build again. Now, Pluto is in Capricorn, it has been since 2008. Capricorn rules structure, tradition, banks, corporations, government, architecture, the police, all that can be defined as "the authority." We have already seen some old order crumble: America elected its first African American President, f...

Now Is The Time

A Spiritual Warrior   The battle of the Spiritual Warrior within is a battle of mastery of the self. It is an inner battle for truth and wisdom in the name of Love. Requiring courage and resiliency a Spiritual Warrior is someone who embraces the journey as a personal choice and accepts the enemy within. They are independent, self-directed and devoted to facing the challenges that confront them. Their guiding principal of integrity is the code of honor from which life is lived by with uncompromising action. A Spiritual Warrior understands the destruction of war and therefore does not seek it. Their virtue of compassion is used to equalize potential conflict from arising. The sword that is carried is Love and the armor is Vulnerability. Willing to throw down their sword in complete surrender the Warrior becomes stronger, for victory is of the spirit not the body. As we journey through the trials and tribulations of our lives we hopefully awaken to a d...

Hope And My Inner America

Hope: “Grounds for believing something good may happen, the general feeling that some desire will be fulfilled” The above is to remind myself of what it feels like; just in case. I have managed most of my life to live, having hope; hope is that invisible presence of possibility that you don’t realize it’s power until its gone. Like I said, most of my life its been there, but not always. My most profound memory of lost hope was the day my Mother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Fear and despair ensued, hope was lost, later to return.  My Inner America Just one of the MANY conclusions I have come to: If I focus on the man himself, the potential to lose hope is highly probable and will be accompanied with pain and anger. I have changed my focus to make it about something greater than what fear wants to try and control. I am making it about staying engaged with what is occurring, speaking out when "right relationship" toward another is ignored, making ...