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Brighter Days to Come

Saturn’s trek out of Scorpio (June 2013- Sept 2015) brings you out of the dark, emotional crevasses of your psyche and into the light of truth in Sagittarius.

Saturn, the planet of authority and responsibility, will transit through the mutable fire sign Sagittarius from January 2015 until December 2017. A two and a half year period of inspection, focus, serious work, and sacrifice to rebuild your Judge, Teacher, Sage, and Visionary archetypes within the Self. This is a time of expansion out into the larger world, a search for understanding to bring clarity and meaning to your personal and collective aspirations of the future.

Saturn represents time, commitment, and the mature assessment of reality. Self-discipline is required to re-assemble what has crumbled or become unstable in order to construct a new, more solid foundation. During Saturn’s travel through Sagittarius the focus is on beliefs, faith, and hopes, in addition to moral, ethical, and political dilemmas. At this time you will question spiritual, philosophical, and intellectual principles, as to broaden your vision and restructure the higher thinking mind. Your attention is on the experience of who you are and what do you believe. 

Sagittarius is the Archetype of the seeker. It shows how to expand your vision, search out adventure, and evolve new ideas and information. It is the wise counsel and leadership that is driven toward freedom and the future in the name of truth.

“Brighter days to come” personifies the optimistic quality of Sagittarius’s outlook on life.  As a true visionary it seeks the truth, looking for the next horizons of awareness to better understand the meaning of life. It is the “universal voice” of inspiration and faith that sees the bigger picture and our interconnectedness. 

The early stage of development of Sagittarius mind is met with a vision that is somewhat limited. Self-centered experiences and undisciplined impulses dominate its indiscriminate mind. This impracticality lacking in structure leaves emotional desires as its driving force, with no real direction.

As maturation progresses an awakened view is unveiled. A clearing now appears and self-discipline delivers an understanding of how to direct its energy. This refinement generates an expansive vision that brings forth a directed focus in which purpose and the reason for being is acquired. The bigger picture is now seen and temperance of emotional desires subsides in support of this greater vision.

As a result of this spiritual identification of itself, Sagittarius now knows its purpose is to serve humanity. It sees the path. Bringing hope of “brighter days to come” through pioneering life, as the Teacher, Healer and Lover of Mankind.

Expanding awareness to see beyond the physical earth plane is how Sagittarius supports the evolution of Humanity. It inspires and aspires you to grow Spiritually, awakening the “Soul-Centered” existence within. Through this awakening the interconnectedness of all life is found and the mission of Unity is sought.

This dynamic combination of these themed energies will challenge you to stretch beyond your established limitations. The messages here are filled with opportunity for growth and wisdom by seeing through your veils of outdated paradigms that no longer serve your higher good, as well as society’s. And in this cycle when truth is discovered, Saturn will demand you to deal with it and do the work. As a result, it will be up to you whether this cycle equates to reward or consequence.

Risk and seize new opportunities and ideas that can liberate your mind to possibilities beyond borders and illuminate wisdom within not yet known.
Here are some questions you will contemplate during this cycle:

What are my dreams? 
Will I be able to fulfill them?
Am I stuck in a box?
How can I liberate myself?
What gives Life meaning for me?
What are my beliefs systems?
Do my belief systems limit me?
What am I learning?
What am I teaching?
What is the truth? 



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